Hello 💌 I’m Sindhu, and I like to describe myself as a thinker and tinkerer. By day, I work as a content designer and strategist. By night (my most favourite time of the day, second only to dawn), I record my growing sense of self, haunt physical and digital archives, and indulge my curiosity through research.

When I’m asked about what I write on here, it feels hard to collapse the entirety of my explanation into one clever sentence and tie it with a bow. But let me try anyway: I write essays that explore agentic ways of living and making meaning.

I write to understand myself, first and foremost. In doing so, find kindred spirits, because that which is most personal is most universal. I write to see and be seen, understand and be understood. I write to pull on the threads of commonality, tap into the resonant energy that thrums through all of us regardless of how different the external details of our lives are. If that resonates, you might enjoy sticking around:

I typically publish one essay a month (and I might send out the occasional meta-note about writing and thinking). If you’re already keen to dive in, here are some recent essays that resonated with readers like you: luck is the echo of effort, writing as a conduit, and my notes on being audacious.

Here’s what kind readers have said about my essays:

“Whenever you put out a new post, I always save it like that last piece of chocolate, and read it in my fav coffee shop.” — João

“I’m a fan ❤️ Subscribed to your newsletter a few weeks ago; seeing it pop up in my inbox always brings me joy!” — Niki

“Kindred Spirits is such a fresh and honest, somewhat poetic expression in a newsletter format I'm loving to have in my inbox. Thanks for being and writing for yourself in this age of attention hijacking.” — Prakhar

“I absolutely love your writing. I feel held in your words OMG ❤️ Thank you for sharing this with the world.” — Julie

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Essays exploring agentic ways of living and creating meaning


Thinker and tinkerer writing about agentic ways of living and making meaning. By day, a content designer and explorer of esoteric rabbit holes